Monday, November 10, 2008

Some of my toughest ink line assignments


Talk about a tough assignment ! My Chicago rep, Bob Witmer, brought in a series of ads for Jacobsen. You can't imagine what it's like to have to draw all these weird contraptions, even with good reference material. Again, my experience with automotive art proved very helpful. Often the client's product engineers scrutinize finished art for accuracy, so your drawings better be correct. One of the interesting things about this assignment was that these ads came in late in the year and the ad agency wanted to have the art costs put in the present year's budget rather then in the following year, so they paid me in advance for all the art ! This has got to be a first, I've never heard of this happening before or since.


Here are some close ups of the machines to give you a better idea of the detail involved. Even drawing the background ink lines to create a fairly flat tone was quite a chore




I also had to draw outline ink drawings of different machines and and their various components, not an easy task.


Another series of complicated machines done for International Harvester, again, an assignment out of Chicago brought in by my rep Bob Witmer.


These are a few of the smaller spot illustrations used in the ads.


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