Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Aircraft paperback cover illustrations

Paperback 13

Doing illustrations involving aircraft is a very specialized field. These are much more complex to do than you might think. It's imperative to be very accurate as far as the details of the particular airplane including the color and markings. There are a lot of experts out there that will examine every last detail on your illustration, very much like those automotive engineers who scrutinize car illustrations. As an avid model builder in my youth I became familiar with various types of aircraft. I also have an extensive collection of aircraft reference books in my library.

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Here is a good example which shows aircraft with special camouflage and a variety of markings. Accurate research is a must when doing this type of work.


Here is a sample illustration done for my rep in New York, it is an acrylic painting. The previous book covers and the one below were painted using Windsor and Newton Designer's Colors.

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Another example of an illustration which must be thoroughly researched before starting to draw or paint.

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