Monday, January 25, 2010

Rabbits and ants

Over the years of doing storyboards I would frequently receive some pretty weird scripts. How they planned to shot this one I'll never know. Perhaps this would have been animated in the final version.

Rabbits 1
The background is somewhere in Monument Valley in Utah.

Rabbits 2
More rabbits keep coming. I'm not quite sure why they wanted the large white area, perhaps they were going to add some copy there.

Rabbits 3
Hundreds of rabbits now appear in the frame, they just keep coming.

Rabbits 4
These frames were done 4 x5 " on high quality layout paper. Above is my sketch for the backgrounds.

Rabbits 5
This was one of those super RUSH jobs, I hardly had time to do tight underlay sketches.

Rabbits 6
My sketches were extremely loose because of the time restrictions. These were done for one of my New York clients, possibly Y & R.

Rabbits 7

Ants 1
Another strange concept depicting ants at work. I only found these two frames, I know that I rendered several more. These frames were done in the 5 x 7" size.

Ants 2

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