Friday, February 26, 2010

Other uses for marker renderings

Marker renderings are great for any type of presentation. Below is a presentation that I did for the City of Emeryville Civic Center sculpture competition. the presentation was mounted on large styrofoam boards and included a few photos of the models that I built out of wood and metal

Sculpture 3
My cat Jpeg wants to get in on the act and this gives you an idea of how large the presentation was.

Sculpture 1

These renderings were 8 x 15" and were done on high quality layout paper. I did not win the competition but it still was a fun project to be involved with.

Sculpture 2

Being able to do comprehensive renderings has come in very handy at times. When I was an Art Director at Campbell Ewald on the Chevrolet account we had to prepare ideas for ads to present at meetings I often had an edge as most of the other Art Directors could not do comp renderings.

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