Friday, April 23, 2010

Black and white storyboard sketches

This storyboard assignment was for one of my New York clients, Hal Riney, they wanted 24 frames in black and white sketch form, which to be presented to their client. I don't have the originals, but I believe that they were done in the 5 x 7" size. Often, if my clients had a very tight deadline they would request black and white line or tone sketches which could be rendered faster than full color work.

HRP 1&2

HRP 3&4

HPR 5&6

HRP 7&8

HRP 9&10

HRP 11&12

On my next post I will show the remaining frames. It's unusual to receive a single storyboard assignment with this many frames, usually a board is 8 or 10 frames.

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