Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another sculpture proposal

We've had a some very bad storms here in Southwest Michigan and have had no phone service, electricity or internet for a few days. Everything is fine now but it was pretty wild last Friday evening, Gloria and I went to an opening at the Krasl Art Center in St. Joseph and on the way back the storm hit, several trees and branches were blown across the highway and power lines were down. We stopped at a restaurant which had no electricity, but the ovens were working and we shared a pizza. It's pretty strange when you find yourself without power, phone service and no internet.
The image below is another cover for one of my brochures showing sculptural proposals that I have developed. This one was submitted to the Las Vegas Art Museum.

Sculpturalproposals 5Ex  c
This is a model of my proposal for a garden sculpture group which would consist of six large bronze pieces.

A pencil sketch showing the position of the group on the museum grounds.

Photographs showing other possible configurations for the sculptures. The mock-up was constructed of wood and the pieces were about 12" tall. Unfortunately, my proposal was not accepted, it would have been a great project to complete.

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