Thursday, July 15, 2010

Two more new paintings finished

I just finished two new paintings from my new series of abstract nudes that are based on my computer sketches. I use the computer studies as a basis for the final paintings, often there are many changes that the work goes through during the final painting process. It's a great way to create interesting art as during the computer stage I can do several different color versions and pick out one as a starting point.

Almost Relaxed Nude
Above is the finished 30 x 30" acrylic painting that I started a couple of weeks ago and is titled "Almost Relaxed Nude". This and the other painting below will be exhibited at the Miller Gallery in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Here is the first stage of another painting titled "Seated Muse". I am just blocking in some of the color areas.

Here I have added an overall background color and am adding some textures to it.

Seated Muse
After a great many changes of color and in the overall design, the painting is completed. This painting is 24 x 36", acrylic on canvas.

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