Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Logo designs and exhibitions

3-7 Logo Designs

Above are several logos that I recently designed, just a few of the many created over the years. I really enjoy this type of assignment.

3-9 Krasl

Here are some of the designs that I developed while designing a logo for a local museum, the Krasl Art Center. Three final versions were submitted and the last one on the lower right was chosen. I added a figure to the presentation to show scale as I suggested the the logo could also be transformed into a large metal outdoor sculpture for the front of the building.

3-8 Krasl Logo

A newspaper clipping announcing the new logo. I built a model of the logo and created this photo to show just how the sculpture version would look in the outdoor setting, however, the sculpture idea was rejected by the Acquisitions Committee.

3-10 Krasl

The new logo was unveiled at the opening of the Text As Art exhibition. Above is one of the posters that I designed for the show.

4-1 posters

Other posters for various exhibitions of my digital art. The poster at the top was for an exhibition of parodies of famous artists, the image is my version of a Dali painting.

4-2 Kazoo

A poster done for am exhibition of my sculpture and digital prints at the Epic Center in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

4-7 Sakiko

The catalog cover for an exhibition of my acrylic abstract paintings and carved wooden masks at Gallery Sakiko in New York.

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