Friday, February 27, 2009

Art and design for Texstar Plastics

Jim Donahue, the Advertising Manager of the Premier Corporation commissioned me to do the design, art and photography for a brochure for one of their companies, Texstar Plastics. I flew down to Grand Prairie, Texas to photograph the company's various operations. Texstar was engaged in manufacturing military aircraft canopy tops and the visors used by astronauts as well as a host of other items. They even made a full size plastic mockup of the Navy VFX aircraft, a fascinating project.

Donahue 11

For the cover of the brochure I did a large abstract painting depicting the vacuum forming process, which they later hung in their offices.

HB TexstarBro
One of the page spreads in the brochure.

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Some of the ink line illustrations done for the brochure.

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Donahue 14A

It was an interesting, fun assignment and they were very pleased with the brochure. One evening the executives invited my wife and me out to dinner, we ended up in the company airplane and headed down to dine in Piedras Negras, Mexico! They entertain in a big way down there.

HB Texstar

A rare occurrence, Texstar even gave me a very nice credit in the brochure, a great client.

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