Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Working with a local travel bureau

TC 1

In the early 1970's illustration assignments were getting a bit scarce. The automobile companies were using more and more photography. There was still a good deal of black and white ink line work available, something I was specializing in at the time. This business can be very interesting, you never know where your next assignment may come from. I've been quite lucky in that respect. One day out of the blue, I got a call from a local travel agency, the owner, Aouni Keilani, had gotten my name from the telephone book under "Commercial artist". He said that he had some projects that he wanted to discuss with me. So I went over and had a meeting with him. He was in need of brochures and newspaper ads and also was thinking about going international, opening offices in Lebanon, Egypt and Syria. I saw an interesting opportunity here. The above brochure was one of the first projects that I produced for him.

TC 3

I had fun doing the cover illustration. There certainly wasn't a lot of full color illustration assignments around and this proved to be a great opportunity for me.

TC 2

The interior spread of the brochure.

TC 4

Here is an illustration of the Acapulco Princess Hotel. Working with Transcontinental was great, the owner sent my wife and I on many trips to various locations including Paris, Brussels, Acapulco, Cairo, Beirut and even Damascus. For an artist and a lover of travel, this proved to be an ideal situation.

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