Monday, March 30, 2009

Dracula ink line illustrations

In the early 1970's I was doing more work out of New York through my reps Neeley Mulvey Associates. Randy Mulvey sent me this great assignment, 35 illustrations for a Dracula story. I had done a few Dracula paperback book covers and had drawn a series of sample illustrations depicting Edgar Rice Burrough's stories which probably had a lot to do with Randy landing this assignment. It pays to do samples ! The book that the assignment was for was titled GREAT TALES OF HORROR AND SUSPENSE and was published by Galahad Books. Assignments like these were a welcome relief from the advertising work which usually were done under great pressure of tight deadlines. Of course, these particular illustrations had to be worked on between my regular advertising assignments, so there still was a certain amount of pressure involved. Pressure comes from all directions, not only deadlines but the pressure you put on yourself to try to do a great illustration.

Dracula 1  1973
These illustrations were ink line drawings with a color overlay. Above is the ink drawing and below is the drawing with the blue color overlay as it appeared in print. I shot reference photos in a local cemetery for this particular drawing.

Dracula 1A

This series of ink drawings were great fun to do. I rendered them using a crowquill pen and a brush using India ink on whatman hot-pressed illustration board

Dracula 3

Dracula 5

For models I used my illustrator friend Lou Perkowski for Dracula, just as I had done on the paperback Dracula book covers. I also used my wife Jeanne as well as some of my students from the art school where I was teaching.

Dracula 4

Friday, March 27, 2009

More ink line drawings

More sample ink line illustrations that I did in the mid 1960's which illustrate stories by Edgar Rice Burroughs. These illustrations were done for my New York reps to present to art directors at various book publishers. Some interesting assignments resulted from these efforts. It's very important for illustrators to produce art samples to show various clients.

L of HM Line Art
This illustration depicts THE LAND OF HIDDEN MEN, the original title was JUNGLE GIRL.

ERB drwg938
A close up of the art to show you the detail in the drawing.

I also adapted this art for one of my comic book cover parodies.

Caveman Line Art/>
This art illustrates the story THE ETERNAL LOVER.

Cave Love
I had fun adapting this art for my parody series.

Tarzan 2
Illustrating the TARZAN OF THE APES book.

Adapted for my parody, JUNGLE LOVE Comics.

Stone Age
Illustration for BACK TO THE STONE AGE.

Dragonland Comics
Another comic book cover parody adaptation.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ink line art

For many years I specialized in ink line drawings, These are sample illustrations that I did which illustrated Edgar Rice Burroughs' stories. Some of them were used as covers for the fanzine ERB-dom. I also sold these as a series of prints at comic book conventions. These samples were used by my art reps to show to potential clients. I will show some of the work that resulted from these samples in a later blog.

Beyond Thirty Art 1
This illustration was based on the book BEYOND THIRTY. I used my wife and one of my students as models for this drawing.

Beyond Thirty Art
A close up showing the detail in the rendering which was done using a Crowquill pen on Whatman's hot-pressed illustration board.

Tarzan Line Art
Illustration for TARZAN OF THE APES.

Time's Abyss400
Illustration for OUT OF TIME'S ABYSS. This drawing appeared on the cover of ERB-dom #26, June 1969. I'll post more of these ink line illustrations on Friday.

For the past three years I have been working on a series of comic book cover parodies and decided to turn some of the above art into covers, below are the results. I exhibit theses covers as 13 x 10" signed, limited edition prints in galleries and art centers.



Monday, March 23, 2009

A wonderful vacation in the sun !

PV Lettering
Dawn in PV
Early morning in PV.

View frpm FA
The view from our balcony at the Fiesta Americana hotel.

River Cafe
One of our very favorite restaurants in PV, the River Cafe.

Gloria_La leche
Gloria in front of the new trendy La Leche restaurant near our hotel.

La Leche
A very different looking restaurant with a wild painted line mural and white barrels in front. We had a great meal here.

PV 2009 poster 2
Gloria enjoying a Mango Daquiri at the hotel. I usually design a poster commemorating our trip. I didn't do any watercolor sketches on this trip as I sometimes do.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

J*Davey show at Sugar Hill

Saturday night I was doing double duty, wearing two wonderfully artistic hats. One as a poet at a qualifying slam with the Java Monkey Decatur, GA and Knoxville, TN slam teams and the other as a journalist/blogger at the J*Davey show at Sugar Hill. My homeboy and fellow writer Adam Beane agreed to tag team blog with me about the J*Davey show so none of the festivities would be missed. He is officially a part of history -- my first guest blogger. :) What follows is an insider view into the evening. A glimpse, if you will, of conversation, texts, and pseudo-twittering. lol For your reading pleasure...

Adam arrives at 9:30, sure he’s late, but hears DJ TaBone and remembers that nothing in Atlanta starts on time - absolutely nothing.

Adam is absorbing the scene: white guys in suits & ties, faux blipsters in flannels and ladies with more variations of natural than Whole Foods, Sevananda and Trader Joe’s combined.

Adam peeps the paintings being constructed by Flux of Binkis Recs on the side of the stage.

Adam watches a white girl who he thinks is CJ from 95.5 The Beat welcome the crowd.

Adam thought Dres tha Beatnik was hosting…???

Adam sees Ali “ALIen” Warren take the stage on some Clyde Stubblefield drumming meets Rahzel “Godfather of Noyze”.

Adam accompanies ALI’s DJ through the medley of hip hop crowd movers…yes, I concur Hov “Brooklyn, we do, in fact, go hard”

Adam is mesmerized as the only thing ALIen is unable to do on drums is sit still. So sick…

Adam watches ALIen take off his shirt (no E. Lynn Harris) while drumming…stand on the kick while drumming…and walk through the audience with his snare while (you guessed it) still drumming.

Adam is digging how ALIen pours the Red Bull can over the drum set providing the audience with an 80’s glam rock video splash scene every time he “click-clacks(!)”.

Thoroughly entertained, Adam is wondering why ALIen wasn’t billed on the flyer…?

Adam has no time to contemplate, Atlanta-native The Doll Daze promptly takes the stage donning masquerade half masks.
Adam is digging her indie rock soul vibe.

Adam was doing fine until the Acid Girls, The Doll Daze’s promo team, walked in front of him trying to steal his attention.
Adam peeps Janelle Monae slide into the venue with Brittany Bosco.

Back on his grizzly, Adam thinks The Doll Daze pleasantly fill a void left by RES.

Adam wonders if RES, Kweli and this Idle Warship joint is really gonna produce results for either of them…

Single tracking my train of thought, Adam is grooving to “Words”, “2040” and “Please Everybody” which is a good sign for Doll Daze if I can remember the names of your songs.

Adam applauds as Doll Daze bids farewell to an appreciative audience.

Adam considers getting a drink until he looks at how packed the bar has become and realizes a cranberry juice ain’t worth all that.

Adam sees Brittany Bosco’s band take their places and digs the two keyboardists, bassist, guitarist, drummer and DJ that Bosco has brought along with her.

Adam listens as somehow Brittany gets two intros…one from the white girl followed by another from Dres.

Adam is feeling how Brittany Bosco comes out looking like Lena Horne…long eyelashes and all.

Adam watches as Brittany’s commanding voice fills the room and her body’s contortions ensure all eyes are on her.

Adam can’t quite get the “City of Nowhere” chant right that Brittany wants everybody to sing.

Adam thinks Brittany Bosco is about as dynamic a performer as you’re going to see before becoming famous.

Adam is slightly distracted as the couple next to him discusses Brittany Bosco’s unconventional looks.

Adam likes that Brittany and her cousin (pulled from the audience) end her set singing a duet of “He Loves Me (Lyzel in E Flat)”.

Adam decides that he’s seen Brittany Bosco perform even better, but loves that she always seems to leave it all on the stage.

Adam is eagerly anticipating J*Davey when he gets a tap on his shoulder from his pen sister Amena.

amena is trying to catch up with adam but got distracted looking at how the guy next to adam was focusing some serious energy on his two step, then dres and the deejay got on that al green love and happiness, at which time amena had to cut a lil rug.

amena wants to thank dj tabone for playing this..."i wanna rock right now. i'm rob base and i came to get down. i'm not internationally known, but i'm known to rock the microphone!"

amena got some cool footage of janelle monae and dres tha beatnik dancing to a groove.

amena thinks j*davey's music has the ability to make you feel like you have been transported inside your radio.

amena thinks some of j*davey's beats rock.

amena went to the front to snap a picture and caught a whiff of smoke, not of the nicotine kind.

amena wonders if this whiff helps the audience to enjoy j*davey's music.

amena watches people party like it's 1988 while listening to j*davey.

pseudo tweet blog: java monkey/knoxville slam

As previously stated in this here blog, my cell phone is incapable of 21st duties such as checking email, facebook, twittering and the like. In an effort to update my status at events I go old school and write down what I would twitter if I could. For your reading pleasure, my "tweets or something like that" about the qualifying slam I participated in between the Java Monkey and Knoxville slam teams on Saturday, March 14.

amena is hanging out with kim possible and j marie on the way to java monkey.

amena is listening to kim possible read a portion of outliers and feeling inspired.

amena is happy to see rhea sunshine and black atticus from the knoxville slam team.
amena just saw bryan patillo without his!

amena huddles up with tonight’s java monkey slam team: tavares, gypsee yo, and bryan patillo, to coolly strategize for the slam.

amena wants to make it known that coolly strategize is another term for four poets looking at each other and saying "so whatchu wanna do?"

amena is digging tavares' poem about inspiring the kids.

amena is sniffling some and hopes it won't affect her performance.

amena performs "God bless mom" and gets the two judges who've been giving high 7s and low 8s all night to come up a couple of decimal points.

amena gets a blasted time penalty for taking her sweet time on "God bless mom."

amena realizes that when rhea sings it sounds like chuuuuuuch.

amena is a gypsee yo fan!

amena watched gypsee yo perform autobiography and had to stand up and shout!

amena wants to thank courageous from knoxville for standing up for the good men and for showing love to everyday women. I’m about that! :D

amena thinks it’s ridiculous that tavares’ amazing poem about the birth of his son got such low scores. haters.

amena enjoyed slamming and having a friendly win with the java team.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Enjoying PV

Gloria and I are in Puerto Vallarta having a great time.

PV 3

PV 6

PV 2

PV 5

PV 8

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Class of 3000 LIVE: A Trip to Cool School

Outkast’s Andre 3000 and Tom Lynch’s animated cartoon brainchild, Cartoon Network’s Emmy award-winning Class of 3000, debuted Saturday as a live stage show to an audience full of Atlanta celebrities, families, and kids at the Alliance Theater. Set in Atlanta, the play hinges on a chance meeting between Li’l D, a middle school student who has just discovered his school has lost its music teacher, and Sunny Bridges, an international jazz and blues performer who after leaving his music career is in need of some inspiration. Here are four reasons to love this animated cartoon turned stage play.

4 Reasons to Love Class of 3000 LIVE

1. An Atlanta World Premiere: Class of 3000 LIVE is the second stage play to host its world premiere in Atlanta at the Alliance Theater this year. Shows like this help to highlight what many people already know about Atlanta, that it is a city brimming with art and talent.

2. Cool Cast: Jonathan Davis (Kam), Bernard Jones (Li’l D), Wendy Melkonian (Madison), Brandon O’Dell (Phil), Zany Pohlel (Kim), Justin Tanner (Eddie), and Sharisa Whatley (Tamika), played the live class of 3000 with song, choreography, and humor that adults and kids alike could enjoy. From the first time Li’l D yells, “let’s crank this thing up!” you want to follow him on the journey to convince his idol, Sunny Bridges, to become the kids’ music teacher. Scott Warren, actor/puppeteer, added hilarity to each role he played from Sunny’s manager to the kids’ principal.

3. Sunny Bridges: Not only is the animated character inspired by Atlanta’s own Andre 3000, but Sinatra Onyewuchi, embodied his character’s animation and eclectic style, with a signature straw hat, fluid dance moves, and a smile that invited cast and audience members to join in the fun.

4. Inspirational Tunes: Sunny and his new cadre of kids perform songs from the animated series, showing that there is more to good music than what you hear on the radio. Towards the end of the show, the kids sing “be yourself, because no one else can take your seat in cool school.” This advice, like the show, is good for all ages.

Art for fun 2

21-8 Jeanne

A pen and brush ink drawing of my wife Jeanne in our ryokan in Kyoto, Japan.

23-2 Cairo Wtcolr

A watercolor sketch of Cairo done from the balcony of our hotel room.

23-3 Watercolor Egypt

A quick watercolor sketch done while strolling along the Nile.

23-4 London Designers Colors

A London scene painted in my studio done in ink line and watercolor.

23-5 Rodeo  Acrylic Ptg

An acrylic painting done on canvas after viewing a rodeo in Hillsdale, Michigan.

23-6 Rodeo Drwg

This painting was done with colored pencils and Designer's Colors. Mixing mediums can be quite interesting, often resulting in very interesting effects.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Art for fun

When I wasn't busy with my commercial assignments I would do paintings or experiment with various mediums. These drawings and paintings were used in my books, DRAWING IN PENCIL and ART AND ILLUSTRATION TECHNIQUES, published by Watson Guptill. Both are long out of print, but can be found in used book stores, check or other sources on the internet.

22-1 Mona

A simple, effective sketching technique, using a black Prismacolor pencil with watercolor washes.

22-2 Kandy

Prismacolor pencils were used for this drawing. It's a Sri Lanka scene which I drew after returning home.The pencil tones were blended using a paper stump dampened with Bestine.

22-3 Besakih, Bali

I used water-soluble colored pencils on 4-ply, medium surfaced bristol draw this Balinese scene. Clear water was washed over the drawing to blend the colors.

22-4 Sukri

This Balinese girl was done with a combination of colored pencils and Designer's Colors. I blended the pencil lines with a Bestine-dampened paper stump.

22-5 Makola mrkt

This is an acrylic painting done on canvas. I often do paintings like this after returning from a trip. I love experimenting by utilizing design patterns in a scene.