Friday, March 27, 2009

More ink line drawings

More sample ink line illustrations that I did in the mid 1960's which illustrate stories by Edgar Rice Burroughs. These illustrations were done for my New York reps to present to art directors at various book publishers. Some interesting assignments resulted from these efforts. It's very important for illustrators to produce art samples to show various clients.

L of HM Line Art
This illustration depicts THE LAND OF HIDDEN MEN, the original title was JUNGLE GIRL.

ERB drwg938
A close up of the art to show you the detail in the drawing.

I also adapted this art for one of my comic book cover parodies.

Caveman Line Art/>
This art illustrates the story THE ETERNAL LOVER.

Cave Love
I had fun adapting this art for my parody series.

Tarzan 2
Illustrating the TARZAN OF THE APES book.

Adapted for my parody, JUNGLE LOVE Comics.

Stone Age
Illustration for BACK TO THE STONE AGE.

Dragonland Comics
Another comic book cover parody adaptation.

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