Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Art, illustration and design for Tenna-Tech and ARA

Another assignment from the Premier Corporation, this time a company logo, brochure as well as art and photography. Below is the new logo that I designed for Tenna-Tech.
Premier flew me down to central Tennessee in their company airplane to check out and photograph their operation.

Donohue 6

Tenna-Tech is a company that has developed a cut-and-fill coal mining operation. On the brochure cover I used the new logo and a photograph of reclaimed land.

Donohue 7

HB Tenne-T

This is one of the page spreads in the brochure and below are illustrations depicting the strip mining and land reclamation methods employed by Tenna-Tech.

Donohue 8

Donohue 9

A map showing the waterway system Tenna-Tech uses to transport coal by barges.

Donahue 10

Another Premier subsidiary was ARA who manufactured air conditioning equipment. For this ad I did a large acrylic painting which was later hung in their offices. I had a great time doing work for Premier, from designing, illustrating, photography and even painting. Jim Donahue, Premier's advertising manager, was a great guy to work with, he was always open to new ideas and encouraged creative approaches to the assignments. I worked with Jim when I first got started in the business, he was a great mentor and I was very lucky to have known him. He was also a terrific salesman and always brought in exiting assignments when he had his art studio, Allied Artists, in Detroit.

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