Monday, April 6, 2009

I have drawn a lot of cartoons throughout my career

Throughout my career as an illustrator and graphic designer I have also drawn many cartoons. Cartoons had always interested me and as a young kid I always intended to become a comic book artist. My high school teacher, Margaret Stein, however, steered me into the commercial and fine art fields.

Penthouse Cartoon 1
These two cartoons were done for Penthouse magazine. During this period, my wife and I were seriously contemplating moving to Paris, France and I was trying to come up with ways to earn a living over there and started sending cartoons to various publications. I also began writing "How to" books for Watson Guptill Publications. If I remember correctly, I wrote seven or eight books for them.

Penthouse Cartoon 2
I sold three or four cartoons to Penthouse, but after I moved to Paris I didn't have much luck with my submissions. Luckily I connected with a couple of major French advertising agencies and was kept quite busy doing illustrations, storyboards and ad comps. I'll be posting a lot of the work that I did over there in future posts.

Tarzan 1
I don't recall what this Tarzan piece was done for, perhaps it was just a sample for my portfolio.

Weird Chefs
A sketch of crazy chefs done with a Pentel Sign Pen on layout paper.

Channel 9 mad
A pen drawing done for a newspaper ad for Channel 9 TV in Windsor, Ontario. This is just one of the many advertising cartoon assignments that I have done. This type of assignment is a nice break from the hard-boiled automotive illustrations that I was involved with at the time.

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