Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Illustrating in Paris

My wife and I moved to Paris in 1977, Jeanne enrolled at the American College in Paris and I was intending to work in the fine arts and hopefully also do some commercial work. Luckily I hooked up with art rep Evelyn Menache and began working almost immediately to my surprise. Evelyn was also repping Milton Glaser of New York at the time. I was doing mostly storyboards and ad comps but did a few finished illustrations as well.

18-1 Foxboro Bro
I designed this brochure cover for Foxboro and did the finished art as well.

18-2 SNPMSketch1
I got an interesting illustration assignment from Societe Nouvelle de Prospective et Methodes, an ad agency that was doing work for the French Aerospace program. The illustration was to show the satellite Phebus which was intended to service communications and television for Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. Above are the first rough marker sketches that I submitted to them. The image showing the people interested them the most, they also liked the montage effect where many unrelated images can be shown in the same image.

18-3 SNPM Sketch 4
I developed the idea a it further and finally arived at the final version shown below which was approved by the client.
18-4 SNPM 6
The next step was to do a tight drawing of all of the elements in preparation of the final rendering.

18-5 SNPMFinal pencil drg
Above is the finished drawing and below in the illustration which was painted on canvas with acrylic paint.
18-6 SNPM finished art

Blogman Promo 5

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