Monday, July 20, 2009

Back Home !

Gloria and I attended the 50th anniversary Corvair convention in Jacksonville , Florida. I was invited because I did the original 1959 announcement ads as well as designed a medallion commemorating the event. These ads not only announced the Corvair but also launched my career as a freelance artist. That was 50 years ago !!!
The above photo was taken when we took a dinner river cruise, we are just approaching downtown Jacksonville at nightfall.

Here's Chevrolet Historian Dave Newell holding the box and certificate for the commemorative Corvair coin.

There were many Corvairs at the convention, it was great to see them. The design really holds up well.

Corvair 5

Corvair 8
The owners have kept the cars in excellent shape, most look brand new.

Corvair 10

Here are a couple of the announcement teaser ads that I designed and did the artwork for. The assignment was a great way for me to begin my new career.

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