Friday, November 20, 2009

Prague and Rio in one night

Who but a storyboard artist can visit Prague and Rio in one night ? This was the usual rush overnight assignment and in spite of the deadline was a fun project to do. I had to find very specific reference material which sometimes can be a real problem, especially if you have a tight deadline. Before I stopped doing storyboards in 2004, every assignment I received for the last year had an overnight deadline.


I can't remember if this is actually Prague or not, but in this frame I had to depict a specific area in a specific European city.

Prague 2
usually I could count on finding reference like this in my large collection of National Geographic magazines or on the internet

Prague 3
Reference material is very important, you can't just make up stuff like this.

Ptague 4

The next few frames were of Rio de Janeiro

The happy folks must have been celebrating New Years Eve.


All these frames were rendered with markers on high quality layout paper and delivered over the internet.

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