Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Burning the midnight oil

More frames from the Lincoln Mercury storyboards done for Y & R in Irvine, California.

Many of these frames had automobiles in them and because of the tough deadline, I could not add details such as highlights and chrome trim as I usually do with white paint.

No reference for the cars was supplied by the agency, luckily I found a few images on the internet that helped a great deal. Sometimes I've even gone to a car dealership and taken reference photos.



This was a fast and furious way to spend a weekend, I did manage to meet the deadline, the time difference between California and Michigan helped a bit. The only way to handle an assignment like this is to keep the renderings loose and fresh, they all must be of the same quality. You can not start out with very tight renderings and do loose ones at the end, the frames should be uniform. ....AND you can't miss the deadline !!!

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