Friday, December 18, 2009

Layout rendering techniques book

In my last few posts I have shown a lot of marker renderings done for advertising. In case you have an interest in this area of commercial art, I wrote a detailed instruction book on the subject in 1983 covering all phases of this part of the business. ADVERTISING LAYOUT TECHNIQUES is long out of print but you can easily find copies on the internet at places like The book is full of information on rendering storyboards, ads, catalog and brochure design as well as the the tools to use.



The two above layouts are from an American Motors Renault catalog that I designed while living in Paris. The assignment came from the Wayne Alexander Company in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, an ad agency that I did a great deal of work for before to moving to Paris. Wayne frequently brought assignments over to me in Paris and enjoyed a vacation while I cranked out the work, he was a great client.

One of a series of ad comps that were done for a French ad agency. The sketch at the top was done by the art director to show me what he wanted in the final comp rendering.
Even seasoned rendering artists will probably get a kick out of ADVERTISING LAYOUT TECHNIQUES as quite a variety of assignments are discussed in detail.

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