Friday, May 15, 2009

Artwork for the 1985 Volkswagon catalogs

When I left Paris in 1983 and moved back to the States I set up shop in in New York City. I mainly did storyboards and ad comps for all the major ad agencies. At first I worked with my old reps Neeley Mulvey, then worked with the Yellow Brick Road for a few years. I finally had Diane Boston as a rep, she now has a company called Way Art. I was still getting pretty good assignments through Wayne Alexander from the Detroit area. Wayne had a small ad agency that got a lot of work from American Motors. He now had gotten the assignment to produce all of the 1985 Volkswagon catalogs which included the design, art and photography.

29-5 VW Case
Here is the carton which contained all of the catalogs. One of my Paris black and white paintings was used on the box cover. I don't recall doing any of the graphic design work on this project but Wayne wanted me to do all of the ink line artwork for the catalogs.

27-3 VW Art
These were all pretty much tight mechanical ink line drawings of the products. I had quite a bit of automotive art experience so this was right up my alley.

27-4 VW Art
These were all very tight ink line drawings done with a technical pen on illustration board. I don't recall how the gray were done, I may have used Zipatone for these areas.

27-5 VW Art

27-6 VW Art
Good reference material was provided for me by Volkswagon. I will show you more of the artwork on the next post.

27-7 VW Art
This type of art can be quite complex to produce as you might imagine, especially under the pressure of deadlines which were ever present. The art also was checked for accuracy by the engineers at Volkswagon.

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