Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More work for the Wayne Alexander Company

27-1 AMC Jeep
As I mentioned in previous posts, Wayne Alexander had a small ad agency and did a lot of work for American Motors. He gave me many graphic design projects as well as a lot of illustration work. When I lived in Paris he used to bring me over assignments every once in a while.
Here is an illustration I did that was used on a brochure cover for AMC and Jeep. It was drawn on a canvas textured illustration board with a marker pen and acrylic washes.

27-2 Jeep
Another cover illustration for a jeep promotion. This was just an ink line drawing with overlays for the colors.

Below is a graphic design project that I did for Wayne, the 1991 Volkswagon catalogs. On these covers I used various strong road designs as backgrounds for the photographs of the cars.
29-1 Volkswagon

29-2 Volkswagon

29-3 Volkswagon

29-4 Volkswagon Page11991
This is the rear cover for one of the catalogs. I did a lot of black and white art for the interior pages which I will show on the next post.

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