Friday, June 5, 2009

Drawings done when I was 14

My mother used to save a lot of the stuff I drew when I was a kid. After she died I put all these things in a box. Recently I dug through the papers and sketchbooks and decided to post some of this early work.

32-8  S Barry1942
Here's another adventure comic strip, Slipstream Barry, Flyer of Fortune (instead of Soldier of Fortune). Below are a few pages from sketchbooks where I was practicing drawing heads with a pen using India ink.

33-1  1942 Sktchbk 5

33-2  1942 Sktchbk 4

33-3  1942 Sktchbk 1

33-4  1942 Sktchbk 3
Lastly, a pencil sketch of a superhero. My best friend at that time was Herb Schiebold who also was an artist. We used to go out and paint watercolors, I'll see if I can dig up any of the paintings that we did. Herb later became a top notch graphic designer working in the Detroit area and was a partner in the studio Art Workshop.

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