Monday, June 1, 2009

Some advice for aspiring artists

A couple of years ago I was asked to give a lecture to the art students at the Fayetteville State University in North Carolina. I gave each of the students a brochure that I had prepared, here are a few of the pages for young art hopefuls to read and ponder. Below is an ad which captured my attention when I was a kid, it appeared in magazines in the 1930's.

$10 to $50 dollars a week doesn't sound like much but that's what a lot of people were earning during the depression era. If I remember correctly, my dad was earning $30 dollars a week as a tool and die maker, which was actually a pretty good wage at the time. It only took a nickle to ride the bus and a postage stamp cost three cents. Then you could buy a new car for under $600.
Anyway, here's some of the advice I gave the art students.





I told the students that as an artist, your life will be one long growing and learning process. At 80 years old I am still growing and learning and enjoy every minute of it.
Also, while the computer is a fantastic art medium, it is not a magic machine. It's essential to have a good solid background in drawing and be experienced in the traditional art mediums before tackling the computer.

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