Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How To Bond With Your Mom

How to bond with your mom? When was the last time you had bonded with your Mom? I know Mother's Day is done already and not because it was already done, it doesn't mean that you will not go on a date with your Mom.

Our mother playing the special role in our lives, in every step that we made she is always there to support, give us advise, teach the right from wrong, and become responsible in everything we do. She is giving us unconditional love and not being so selfish.
There are many things that you can do with her; here are the lists of things that can make her happy or bond with her.

Surprise Her

We love to see what would be her reactions when she will see you guys prepared a simple gathering for her or anything that she never seen before that you did.

Breakfast on Bed

Wake up early, you and your siblings and your dad prepare the breakfast for you mom. If you don't know how to cook well, cooking book will give a little help to prepare or search an easy breakfast through the Internet before the Mother's Day. You can add-ons such as balloons, confetti, a cake and etc.

Blind Fold her

If you don't want her to surprised on bed, well, you can wake her up and blind fold her and when you reach your table place her in the center of the table where is the cake is and open her blind fold then tadaaah! There is a banner who will greet her “Happy mother's Day” and food breakfast that you prepared for her.

Eat Out

Reserved a table for your family in a lovely restaurant, it could be your mom's favorite restaurant or it could be whole family favorite restaurant. If you and your mom is adventurous, well, try to eat in a restaurant that is new to both of you.

Night Out

How about for a KTV Video Karaoke after having a dinner with your mom? There are many Families KTV where you can pay per hour. Sing the favorite songs of your mom or dedicate a song for her or let her perform the whole night.
Go to the Spa

Treat her from head to foot. This is really good for the working moms and for housewives. They have at least relaxed for a day. Also going to Saloon and have she makes over such as hair style manicure and pedicure.

Out of Town / Weekend Get Away
Go to the Beach

Since its summer, why don't you guys go out of town and there you celebrate her day, There are many natures view that will makes her relax.

If you have any idea where to go or what to do with your Mom, that would be great. ♥

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