Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Larger, tighter storyboard frames

Here is a storyboard assignment where the ad agency required large 6 x 9" frames rendered tighter than my normal work. This may have been an animatic without moving parts, I don't remember. Nor do I recall the product, Art Director or ad agency, but I know that it was done for one of my New York clients. Apparently I had a little more time on this assignment than the usual frantic deadline. This was probably done somewhere around 2002 and was rendered using markers on high quality layout paper.






I've just about run out of storyboard and ad comp material to post. I will, however, check out some old portfolios to see if there are more rendering hidden somewhere.

Gallery AdCS
The Craig Smith Gallery ran a full page ad in the current issue of Art in America featuring one of my new abstract figure paintings. Check it out if you have a chance.

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