Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More from my layout book

In my last post I recommended my book Advertising Layout Techniques for artists interested in layout and comp rendering. I checked Amazon and Google for availability and prices and was astounded at the wide price range from one cent ( yes, ONE cent !!!), twenty cents, ninety-nine cents, all the way up to $133.85 ! Bargain hunters, have fun.


A few years ago I did a brochure for the Premier Corporation in Michigan. The Advertising Manager for Premier was Jim Donahue, a wonderful person who helped me a great deal early in my commercial career. I kept in touch with Jim through the years and did quite a bit of work for him. On one occasion, he even sent me to Japan on a great assignment.

Here are the initial rough idea sketches I did to establish the cover design.

This is the comprehensive layout that was submitted for Premier's evaluation.

The final printed cover, it was a fun assignment as was most of the work done for Jim.

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