Monday, August 9, 2010

An Amazing Video

Hello my peoples! I hope you all have had the pleasure of watching Janelle Monae’s new video for her song Cold War. Of course, I have a few things to say about this video: I think it is absolutely beautiful. Not only is it beautiful because the obviously beautiful Janelle Monae’s face fills up the screen the entire time but it is beautiful because since we are staring right into her eyes as she sings her song, we are able to view & even partake in the emotions she is feeling. I don’t know about ya’ll, but when she started crying I wanted to cry with her. That was such a beautiful moment because it was a REAL moment, something that is so rare to come by these days because everybody swears they are a Hollywood actress and that life is one huge production and they feel that being a genuine person is not what is important. Also, most people have so much collagen in their faces that they can’t even convey the way they feel. Thank heavens there are still true artists like Janelle Monae who are just so unique, talented, and real.

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