Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Summer Haul

So I must say, I was pretty lucky this summer when it came to thrifting. I found a lot of good deals on things that I really needed. Here are a few of my favorite purchases...

Both about $4.oo each


 (This is actually a bag my sister bought but I think it was such great find, I had to post a picture of it.)

 My new book bag for school :) $4o.oo


This is a scarf in case you couldn’t tell lol. $3.oo

Both $4.oo each



I will be posting a couple more pictures later. Also I wanted to let everyone know that I will be starting classes tomorrow (I'm entering my 2nd year of college!). I don’t think they will affect the amount I will be posting since I don’t do posts everyday anyways, but I definitely plan on providing ya’ll with some more GOOD GOOD throughout the school year!

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