Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Latest Obsession

Vintage earrings have been gracing my earlobes for the past year. My obsession started one day in one of my favorite vintage shops near where I live called The Attic. This store always sold earrings; however I was so preoccupied by the clothes that I never paid attention. Then one day, I looked at them and it was love at first sight. I’ve been buying them whenever I see a good pair since. Here is my collection thus far.

What I love most about these earrings is that each one is unique…I have never ever seen any duplicates. And since I love being unique, that works out just fine for me. Some people may not like the idea of buying earrings from thrift stores/vintage stores, but all I have to say is as long as you clean them very well prior to wearing them you will be fine. I have not experienced any problems yet (knocking on wood).

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