Tuesday, September 21, 2010

People You Should Know: Chris Akinyemi

Hello people! I am back with another People You Should Know Interview and I am so eager to share this amazing talent with you all. So please allow me to introduce..

Chris Akinyemi

For any of you all who have read any of my posts about music, you should know that I don’t settle for anything less than amazing. Music is such a huge part of my life…it is my therapist when I am under emotional stress. It is my translator when I’m having trouble expressing myself through my words. It is my imaginary boyfriend when the guys in my life are slacking. It is what makes me who I am because I am inspired by it every time I hear it & I listen to it every single day. The music that speaks to me the most are the songs that I hear and I can tell that the artist put some thought into the words he or she are singing. Anyone can put a bunch of words together, make them rhyme, add a beat to it, and call it a song. It takes a true artist, however, to actually be able to inspire people through their music. It takes true talent to sit down and come up with a song that tells a story that listeners can relate to and be touched by. It takes true passion to use one’s own personal experiences, whether it was the moment you laid eyes on the person you thought you’d be with forever or the moment that very person tore your heart into a million pieces, and turn that into a masterpiece to be shared with countless other individuals who have most likely been through the same experiences. It takes a true musician to bear their soul through their music and I feel Chris Akinyemi does just that.

Chris Akinyemi's sound is one that I find so unique & refreshing. In a world where most artists focus so much on their image that their music suffers and is mediocre at best, it is so heartening to find that there are still individuals whose focus is on showcasing their individuality and creativity through their music. Chris Akinyemi is definitely one of these special few artists, his personality and outlook on life shines through his music. Chris is a New Jersey based singer/songwriter whose song entitled Radio is earning him some much deserved attention.
How long have you been singing?
11, one of the reasons I started is because I was writing music and I couldn’t find anyone else to sing them, so I figured I’d do it.

What has your experience been like in the music industry thus far?
It’s been educating, I’m learning a lot of things that I never knew about.

Has there ever been a time that you seriously doubted yourself as far as your music career goes and if so, how did you overcome your doubt?
There was a time when I had doubt, but my passion for this is what keeps me going.

What is your favorite thing to write about when you are creating a song?
I love writing about life in general. The joy and sadness of it.

Who is one musician today that you have respect for and what about this individual caused he/she to earn your respect?
John Mayer, I respect him because he’s always himself and he’s personal with his music, which is something I could relate to.

Would you rather do a completely sold out show in Yankee Stadium or an intimate performance in a local café & why?
For me it’s not how big the venue is, it’s about performing for people no matter how many who paid to come and see you, they could have spent their money on something else.

If I went through your iPod, what kind of music would I find on it?
You would find everything from John Mayer, Amy Winehouse, Jack Johnson, Seal, Kanye, Stevie Wonder, Chiddy Bang to Fela. I can’t name all of them; we’d have a page full.

In your song Radio you speak on how a lot of the music played on the music sounds the same. So do you listen to the radio at all? And if so, which station(s)?
I barely listen to the radio. I mostly listen to CDs; albums of artists I like.

Where has Radio been getting rotation so far?
It has been getting airplay on PNC Radio FM, WHCR 90.3 FM so keep on requesting people!

What do you have planned for the future of your music career, can we be expecting an album soon?
I plan on getting the world to be familiar with who I am as a artist, person and what I stand for. Also I have an EP coming out this fall entitled “Autumn”.

"Turn my guitar up and my radio down. The industry needs change and I'ma come now
These so called artists all sound so lame, and real music never get no play
everybody want three minutes of fame. One hit wonders are getting lame
This is what makes me feel like
I was born to keep the music alive"
This is the chorus to Radio and I feel it is so on point as far as addressing the current state of music. Nowadays, if you want to listen to that real music, that GOOD GOOD for your ears, you have to hunt far, deep and wide. It is so sad that the world will never get to hear some of the most beautiful music because radio stations keep playing the same 5 songs over and over and over again to the point where people forget that other music exists! I am someone who is greatly inspired by strong individuals. People who are not afraid to stand up and speak their minds in an artistic way. Chris isn't the only person who feels this way about music, trust me. I am the first person to complain about how the radio, a tool which was once the vehicle which allowed a wide variety of music to be heard by a multitude of people, has turned into this annoying machine which no longer serves its original purpose. However, Chris took it upon himself to create this absolutely amazing song which not only sounds great but also delivers a message. A message that challenges the industry to wake up and realize that it is ruining itself by allowing all this soul-deprived music to infiltrate the airwaves. Luckily, there are still dynamic artists like Chris Akinyemi whose music has the potential to affect the world in a positive way. He surely was born to keep the music alive. He's got that GOOD GOOD.

You can see Chris Akinyemi perform live in NYC, on September 23rd, 2010 at Jebon, located at 15 St Marks Place. Free entry.

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