Friday, November 26, 2010

Let's Take A Moment to Recognize Some Real Hip-Hop

This is just a very small sampling of that real, unadulterated, straight from the soul hip-hop that you don’t find too much anymore; that music that actually sounds like the artists put some thought into what they were saying before they recorded it. I will love true hip-hop forever and I don’t think she’s dead (you’ll have to excuse me, I like speaking in metaphors). I think hip-hop is in a coma and she’s trying to wake up but the music industry has a pillow over her face, forever trying to stifle her and keep her silent. A good number of these so called "hip-hop" artists running around nowadays are what I like to call "media puppets" because that is their main concern: their image and the way they are portrayed in the media. If they put the same amount of effort they put in their image into their music, then they would be worthy of being called true hip-hop artists. But for now I will just refer to their brand of music as commercial rap...actually that's a little too long for me to write so I'll just abbreviate it as c.rap. Anywho, this is just my humble opinion. As far as I am concerned, as long as there is at least 1 artist still making true hip-hop, hip-hop is alive. Enjoy the music :)

I deal with the real, so if it’s artificial let it be.

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