Wednesday, June 1, 2011

France Luxe: Colorful Sateen Headwraps

Hello People! :) If you read my short update (marquee) on the upper left corner of my blog: 
Yay! I won a giveaway! Will post about it soon as I received the package :)
I'm talking about Belles and Rebelles giveaway posted last April 18 and ended April 23, Saturday morning. I won 6 colorful (I choose) sateen headwraps from France Luxe

I received the parcel bill/notice the other day about the package. Which I tweeted.

I went to Cebu Central Post Office to get the package. :) Trust me I googled the location of the post office here in Cebu before I went there. Big thanks Google Map! ;)

Yaay! I got the package.

Tadaaah! cute :)

France Luxe Catalog and the business card. :)

Wow. They have great items! Visit their website.

The six sateen headwraps these are the colors I chose.

With L. Erickson tag

Thank you France Luxe and M of Belles and Rebelles. :) 

Then I went to Fort San Pedro after, I always want to visit the historical place ever since I'm living here in Cebu City. Sooo... after 1234567890 years... I took a chance to visit the place. :) Will post about that later. :)

I can view the Cebu Post Office over here. 

Have a great day everyone! :) ♥

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