Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gold Coast Trading Co.

I’ve had my eye onthis brand for quite some time now.

Whatinitially drew me to Gold Coast Trading the first time I came across them wastheir beautifully simple and refreshingly clean aesthetic. It was one of those situations when I could’t pull my eyes away from what I was seeingbecause it was just so perfect. The clothing this company creates manages tocapture the brilliance of both Africa's fashion and history in such a simple yet effective way.And as if having an aesthetic to die for and creating amazing clothing weren’tenough, Gold Coast Trading’s back-story gave me a million more reasons to love them. Thevision behind this brand is nothing short of exceptional. I feel that it is thesame vision that many Africans who find themselves living away from home have. EmekaAlams, the creator of Gold Coast Trading, takes us back to 1444 -the point intime when Africans were beginning to be taken from the Gold Coast and traded byEuropeans. As the Gold Coast Trading website reads:

This trade has changed ourworld and reshaped our thoughts. Living by European standards throughout theAfrican Diaspora we have forgotten what makes our culture powerful, rich andunique. Here we strive for riches and neglect our families, we smile upon otherswhile wishing for their demise, all things associated with the mind frame ofthose who began this trade.

Althoughthe people of Africa have been displaced and dejected, Africa itself is still aland overflowing with love and hope. It is this brand’s aim to take us back tothose days before 1444 when we weren’t so concerned with living by “Europeanstandards”. Emeka’s devotion to Africa is commendable; I admire how deeplyinvested he is in the continent’s past and how he is able to draw inspirationfrom moments in history such as the Soweto uprising. Although he is no longerliving in Africa, it is quite easy to see how much he still cares. Nomatter how far you travel from home, it should always have a place in yourheart. Gold Coast Trading is a testament to that.

Be sure to check out Gold Coast Trading’s website (here)to learn more about this incredible brand and follow them on twitteras well (@GCTC).

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