Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Various pencil techniques

Here are some more drawings from my book DRAWING IN PENCIL. These show various techniques that can be employed when doing pencil drawings on various papers.


A portrait done with pencil strokes without any rubbing or blending with a paper stump.


Colored pencils, oil crayons, water and turpentine were used in this example. The water dissolved some of the water soluble pencil lines and oil crayons were blended with a rag dampened with turpentine. It's very interesting to mix mediums this way, you can achieve some exciting results.


An example of a pencil drawing done on a colored paper. I used a medium shade gray paper, drawing with gray and black pencils, adding just a few color accents. An effective technique using few colors.


Another mixed media example, using colored pencils and oil crayons on colored paper. I blended some of the tones with Bestine. You can also use pencil with other mediums such as watercolors or acrylics.

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