Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Summer Haul Cont. & Other Random Thrift Purchases

So my last thrift haul post got such an overwhelming response! Thank you all so much for the feedback, I really enjoyed reading all the comments :) One thing that I did notice was a lot of people asking where I thrift and that is at my good ol’ neighborhood Goodwill, lol. The Goodwill store that I go to is about 15 minutes from my house and it opened at the beginning of summer. I am not quite sure how I survived before it because every time I go into that store I always find at least one thing that I like. So here are just a few more items that I bought during the summer and a couple that I’ve bought recently…

I actually bought this at the vintage store called The Attic towards the beginning of this year, it is one of the most unique looking bags I own & it was only $4.oo!

Both of the above bags were $3.oo


If you couldn’t already tell from my other thrift haul post, I have an obsession with knitted cardigans lol, this one was $4.oo


A close up of the funky pattern on this dress


A close up of the cute neckline 

I was so happy when I found these shoes because I can never find my size at thrift stores but I got lucky this time and they were only $7.oo! (I know what you are thinking...why are the shoes on my bed?! lol)

And of course a pair of fabulous $1.95 vintage earrings to be added to my collection :)

Another thing I noticed people said in the comments in my last thrift haul post was that I was really good at thrifting so for that I say thank you! That is a really high compliment to me :) But I am here to tell ya’ll that anybody can have great success when it comes to thrifting…here are 5 tips that I live buy when I go to vintage/thrift stores:

1.   If I want a baggy sweater/cardigan, I head straight to the men’s sweater section! That is where I find 80% of the sweaters I buy because I absolutely love the fit and the patterns that are on men’s sweaters. The maroon sweater in this post & the mustard yellowish sweater with the appliqués in my last thrifting post were both found in the women’s section at Goodwill but all the other sweaters I have are from the men’s section!

2.  I check out the purses before I look for anything else & I look at the women’s tops section last. Now, I am not quite sure why I do that but all I know is I can be in a thrift store for hours at times so before I get a massive headache and go cross-eyed from staring at blouses upon blouses I like to check out the purses.

3.   I always have an idea of the type of clothing I want and the looks that I am going for. If you walk into a thrift store or a vintage store with absolutely no idea what you like then you will either be in there forever, buy things you won’t wear, or leave empty handed. I peruse magazines, websites, and other mediums for clothing that I am attracted to before I go to thrifting just so I have an idea of what I like and what I want. This tends to cut down my shopping time (most of the time).

4.   I try not to take the clothes I see at face value, I try to picture how they will look with other pieces in my wardrobe. This method has proven very successful for me especially when I’m dealing with the bigger sections of thrift store such as the female tops section…for anyone who has gone thrifting I think it is safe to say that going through all those blouses in the women’s section can be very annoying, intimidating, & tiring. However, I do try to look at each piece of clothing one at a time and while I look at each top, I try to see if it can fit in my wardrobe. Of course there are some pieces that are so hideous that not even Kate Moss could pull off wearing them; however, some pieces may look bad at first but upon further inspection turn out to be quite nice! So don’t settle with a single glance, take some time and really inspect the articles of clothing you look at.

5.   I believe someone actually said this in their comment they left on my other thrift post; if I have an off day in the clothing department, I always go to the jewelry section! Nine times out of ten I am able to find a pair of killer earrings and it makes up for the frustration I may be feeling if I can’t find anything clothing or shoes.

There isn't a 'right' or 'wrong' way to thrift, this just happens to be my method and it has worked for me thus far! I hope my tips help :)


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