Thursday, October 21, 2010

She's Got That Good Good: Maggie Wanthatham

Hello everyone! First of all, I want to thank you guys for all the love you showed Kadeem Johnson last week, I really appreciate all the positive feedback that his post received! Like I said, Kadeem was the first of many people that I will be featuring on my blog for their commendable sense of style. These features will be posted every Thursday, hopefully, so make sure you stay tuned into that Good Good every week so you don’t miss out! I have been having such a great time looking for these stylish individuals and getting the opportunity to connect with them and find out a little bit about their style. And my search has not been limited to the US, when I said I will be featuring individuals from around the world, I meant it! So please allow me to unveil the second installment of my She/He’s Got That Good Good style features..

Maggie Wanthatham from Sweden 

What do you do?
I went to fashion & design high school which I finished this summer.

What 3 words would you use to describe your style?
That's really hard! Black, black, black. I always have something black on me.

Where are your favorite places to shop?
 My favorite places to shop are through the internet at the moment. My town’s stores are quite boring. But I can say that my latest buy took place at

What is one article of clothing you could not live without?
I cannot answer that, everything? haha

Maggie is the perfect example of how simplicity is key when it comes to classic fashion. Through her photos you can see that she sticks to the basics but uses bold colors and unique shapes to add more drama to her outfits. This is extremely important; I feel that there are many people who think that they need to add so many unnecessary pieces to their outfits in order to look good but the fact of the matter is that less is more! I am a huge fan of people who manage to dress simplistically but look so chic while doing it. Thank you so much Maggie, you've most definitely got that GOOD GOOD.

Be sure to check out Maggie's blog by clicking here.

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