Thursday, October 28, 2010

She's Got That Good Good: Natasha Ndlovu

I hope you all have been enjoying this He/She's Got That Good Good series of style features thus far! This weeks GOOD GOOD-er is one of my favorite fellow bloggers! She was born in Zimbabwe (Yay, I love Africans!). She then moved to South Africa when she was 10 where she lived for a couple of years. Then she moved to Canada and is now living in England. This worldly woman probably knows the globe like the back of her hand and she has a sense of style that could work in any country so allow me to introduce..

Natasha Ndlovu from England

What do you do?
I work as a fashion model, but I also work in the Russian department at Sotheby's which coincides with my studies of the Russian language.
What 3 words would you use to describe your style?
Classic, tailored, simple
Where are your favorite places to shop?
Selfridges and Liberty's
What is one article of clothing you could not live without?
A leather jacket. Speaking of which, I need a new one. LOL
The 3 words that Natasha used to describe her style are the exact three words that come to mind for me as well. Her style is so effortlessly chic and undeniably classic. I love the way she sticks to a few pieces in her outfits, when people pile on clothing on top of clothing on top of more clothing the outfit becomes cluttered and busy. Keep it simple and you can never go wrong and Natasha executes simplicity perfectly. Thank you Natasha, you’ve got that GOOD GOOD.

And make sure you check out Natasha’s amazing blog by clicking here!

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