Wednesday, November 3, 2010

None But Ourselves Can Free Our Minds

Pioneer. An individual who dares to venture from the norm and, instead, paves his or her own path while inspiring others to perhaps do the same. Someone whose mind is simply just wired differently than everyone else’s. Pioneers see things that others don’t. They hear sounds that others can’t. They do things that others won’t. This concept was once so present in music, back in the days when musicians were more than just celebrities. You see, music has changed so much within the past decades. Where are the pioneers? Where are the musicians whose influence extends past our eardrums and presses against our hearts instead? I've had enough of all these media puppets who receive far more praise than they are worth. This world needs more musicians who will stand for something greater than themselves.

Bob Marley was one of the greatest musicians to walk the face of the Earth. His music speaks to me in ways that not much music does, it is simply amazing. His lyrics have so much depth & meaning to them. There is a message in his music; a message that tells us to love one another. A message that challenges us to look at our current position in life and ask ourselves if we are truly happy. A message that encourages us to never give up. I feel that this is such an important component that is missing in most music nowadays. The majority of what you hear on the radio is not enlightening at all and the music which actually is never gets any play. And as if that isn't bad enough, they play the same 12 songs over and over. But people love it...I guess it's like eating, most people tend to gravitate towards the junk food. Going along with this theme, if music is like food and if you are what you eat, doesn't that mean you are what you listen to as well? Feed your mind well and your soul will thank you in return. 
These two songs that I chose to share with you all are my two favorite Bob Marley songs of all time. These songs move me for two different reasons. First of all, Satisfy My Soul was so exquisitely written. The lyrics are simple, but it is their simplicity that add so much meaning to this song. Secondly, why I enjoy Redemption Song is because of the moving history behind this song. When Bob Marley wrote this song, he had already been diagnosed with the cancer that would later claim his life. As Rita Marley stated "he was already secretly in a lot of pain and dealt with his own mortality, a feature that is clearly apparent in the album, particularly in this song." The pain and fear Bob Marley must have been feeling at this point in his life is so present in this song and the fact that he was able to be vulnerable and share his heart through the song makes it only more beautiful. We need to be hearing more music like this in the world today and there is some out there, deep in corners and alcoves of the music industry. I wonder if the day will come when I turn on the radio and hear music with meaning. Music with purpose. Music with a message. I don't know when that day will come but until then, you will definitely find that kind of music on That Good Good Blog. 

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