Thursday, December 30, 2010

He's Got That Good Good: Mboko Ndimba Mobutu

Hello everybody! I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday and is mentally preparing themselves for the new year! I don’t know about you guys, but I have a really, really good feeling about 2011; I'm going to make sure it’s my year :) Anywho, let me get back to business. Today’s GOOD GOOD-er hails all the way from the city of love and he works for one of my favorite online magazines. So without further ado, here is..

Mboko Ndimba Mobutu from Paris, France

What do you do?
 I am an editor and stylist for Paris-based fashion online magazine, GHUBAR.
What 3 words would you use to describe your style?
Playful, refined and gentleman-like.
 Where are your favorite places to shop?
My favorite places to shop would be the 1st and 2nd "arrondissements" of Paris.
What is the one article of clothing you could not live without?
None actually. I don't like to wear things too much as I get tired of seeing them... It has to be a perpetual renewal for me.

Mboko’s look is so polished. I love the way he balances color is his outfits, something that I am continually struggling to do. I tend to get caught in a world of black, grey, tan, and white but after seeing people like Mboko who are able to add punches of color to their clothing so brilliantly, I always feel compelled to buy colorful clothing myself. He looks absolutely excellent. Thank you so much Mboko, you’ve definitely got that good good!

Make sure you check out his blog by clicking here and check out GHUBAR Magazine as well by clicking here!

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