Thursday, December 16, 2010

She's Got That Good Good: Ev`Yan Nasman

Hello hello hello, I hope everyone is having a great week so far! I apologize for the lack of posts, I have been so swamped with studying and all that other unpleasant stuff, but my last final is today and I will be on winter break starting tomorrow which means more time to update you guys with that good good on a more consistent basis! I have so many great posts and features lined up for the next month; I’m so excited to share everything with you guys! Anywho, let me get back to the fabulous style feature I have for today, she is one of my favorite bloggers of all time :) Here is..

Ev`Yan Nasman from Pasadena, CA 

What do you do?
I am a freelance writer as well as a co-owner of a business that my husband & I share & operate.

What 3 words would you use to describe your style?
Comfortable. Minimalistic. Understated.

Where are your favorite places to shop?
H&M is the one store I frequent the most. I also like going thrifting if I'm up for it.

What is the one article of clothing you couldn't live without?
A good pair of sandals. It's the closest I can get to being barefoot all year long.

 I love Ev`Yan’s laid back sense of style! She looks comfortable yet very well put together at the same time in her clothing which is CRUCIAL. Personally, I love to dress for comfort. If I’m shopping and I see the most beautiful item of clothing for a good price that I want to buy but it is uncomfortable, I won’t buy it. However, there are times when I’ll be looking…a little too comfortable. But it is all about balance so I really admire the balance in Ev`Yan’s style, she is definitely inspiring a trip to the mall this weekend. And I absolutely love her hair :) Thank you Ev`Yan, you’ve got that GOOD GOOD!

Make sure you check out her lovely blog by clicking here!

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