Monday, February 21, 2011

How I develop storyboard frames

Often I would have to do quick sketches in the art directors office to show him how I will develop his ideas and to see if I was on the right course. After that I would do tighter sketches at home which I might also send to him over the internet. These final sketches would be used as underlays when drawing up the final frames that were to be rendered using markers.

Here is an assignment from A. Eicoff and Company of Chicago, a client that I did a great deal of work for. The Creative Director was Larry Vienna. I did these quick, simple diagram sketches for an assignment that he gave me, 20 storyboard frames in the 4 x 5" size. He could easily visualize what I had in mind from these roughs and gave me the go ahead.

Here is the finished frame number 19, the only one that I could locate, but it gives you a good idea of what they all looked like.

Honda copy
A Series of frames for Honda, I don't recall the ad agency that they were done for, probably one of my New York clients. This sketch is one of a series that I sent to the art director for approval before going ahead with the final renderings. Automotive clients normally required fairly tight preliminary sketches like this as often they would be shown to their client which would have been unable to visualize very rough sketches like those earlier ones shown above. Of course, all this took time away from the normally short deadlines.

Here is a finished frame from the series of 10 that I did for Honda. These automotive renderings had to be tight and detailed so I had to have pretty good reference material to work with which clients rarely supplied.I often would go to the car dealership and take reference photos. Reference material could also be found on the internet. I always tried to keep my renderings clean, fresh and not overworked.

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