Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Wonder Woman Costume

We all knew Wonder Woman with sexy costume. They upgrade Wonder Woman Costume into a modern type. Adrianne Palicki is seen wearing the number in a still released by NBC for its remake of the 1970s series.

What can you say?

New look: Adrianne Palicki squeezes her sexy curves into a skin-tight PVC suit to play Wonder Woman

Lynda Carter (and her big pants) in the original, complete with stars and stripes

Which one you prefer the old one or the new?
[Photo from: Yahoo and]

P.S.: Summer is officially "IN" today! :) Month of April, please be good to me :) Give us good weather, summer so lost when its raining. :) 

I love Katy Perry new MV E.T. :) enjoy! :)

BLOG GIVE AWAY! :D YAAY! :D I will push my luck again. :) With Lisa blog give away! This is open world wide so you can join :) You can have these all. Oohhh.. who will be the lucky one? :)

Visit her blog.

Have a Great Day Everyone! :)

Throwback Joint: Got 'til It's Gone by Janet Jackson feat. Q-Tip & Joni Mitchell

Not only is this a great song but the video is absolutely beautiful as well; it’s easily one of my favorite music videos of all time. Everything from the color scheme to the clothing to the cinematography is pure brilliance. The deeper meaning behind this video is brilliant as well. According to Wikipedia, the setting of the video is during the apartheid in South Africa. Although this period in South Africa’s history was a time of great racial tension, segregation, and violence, the people in this video look so happy and free. I find this contrast to be deeply inspiring; it shows that even when times get really hard, you are still able to create your own happiness! Enjoy the video :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Exhibition poster

My gallery owner has arranged for me to have an exhibition in an interior design studio in Valpariso, Indiana. He needed a poster, so I designed two versions.

This is my rough idea sketch from which I developed the design.

NorthingtonPoster 1

I used strong type and showed one of my new acrylic paintings as well as two of my wooden carved masks.

NorthingtonPoster 2

Monday, March 28, 2011

On the RaidR

BARE WITH ME GUYS! I'm going through a lot of crazy stuff right now, making it difficult to stay on the blogging grind. Hopefully, I can get it together soon...

Meanwhile, a singing group, by the name of RaidR, just recently formed, and I felt like I could do a post to promote them (and give you something to read).

Taken from RaidR's Facebook fan page:

In an industry inundated with manufactured talent, it’s hard to find artists with star quality in their blood. For the three Riley sisters, that notion is the furthest from the truth. RaidR, comprised of Deja, Taja and Bobbie, have all the makings of an international sensation. As the daughters of musical icon, Teddy Riley, the trio learned from a young age that while talent may get you in the door, perseverance, ambition and practice is what guarantees longevity. Growing up in Virginia Beach, VA allowed the trio to live a life outside of the spotlight, in an environment where these three qualities were ingrained and instilled in them. While they spent most of their young lives focusing on dance, they knew a career in music was their destiny. After working alongside the likes of Denise Wall, Debbie Allen, Janet Jackson, Laurie-Ann Gibson and Lady Gaga, the trio decided it was time to focus their talents on themselves. RaidR, created at a cafĂ© in North Hollywood, CA, is a true reflection of each of the girls’ personality: Deja’s sexy and sultry R&B vibe, Taja’s vintage/punk rock style, and Bobbie’s bubbly pop sweetness. After years of honing their vocal and songwriting skills, they’re ready to raid the industry with music that crosses multiple genres and appeals to a variety of listeners. Get ready world, RaidR is on the scene.

So, here is RaidR's first single called "ATM".

I think the song is good for a first single. What do you think?

If you like them, support them on Facebook:

Have a good week!

Photo citation:
No Copyright Infringement Intended

DJ Put That Record ON

OMGASDGDGSDGSDAJFAKSD!! I love the way she dressed in this video.

I'm drooling over the clothes. The mix and match are awesome.

The clothes in the video are from:

Variations in line drawings

I have been searching for more storyboard examples to post but have not had any luck. I found some ink line drawings that I did for my book DRAWING IN INK. These images illustrate the variations possible when using this medium, you can do a straight line drawing and can add blacks or gray tones to make them more detailed.



All three versions of each subject work quite well. Actually I could have even done a few more variations. when doing line art it can be fun to experiment with some of the possibilities. You can also try adding washes of gray or color tones. Another fun experiment would be to scan the art into the computer and then add gray or color tones.tones

Sunday, March 27, 2011

People You Should Know: Shayla Cox

I strongly believe that we were all born with talents; every single one of us has some sort of special gift, whether we realize it or not. Some people are fortunate enough to recognize their gifts early on in life while others won’t discover their callings until later. However, when we discovered our gifts/will discover our gifts is not what is most important; what is important is what we chose to do with those gifts once we recognize them. World renowned writer Maya Angelou once said; “I believe talent is like electricity. We don't understand electricity. We use it.” So how will you use your gifts? Will you take your talent of writing poetry to an open mic night and perform in front of a crowd or keep your gift hidden between the pages of your journal? Will you use your beautiful voice to touch the hearts of many or will you save your songs for the shower? Will you display your photographic genius to the world or will you just keep those images hidden away in a file on your computer? You were given your talents for a reason; they are meant to be embraced and cultivated not shunned and neglected. Embracing your talents wholeheartedly takes dedication, hard work, and often times even courage. That is why I have so much respect for those who are able to discover their calling, take their talents, and to turn them into something beautiful, tangible, and fruitful. It is this attitude of entrepreneurship coupled with a love for one's work that allows one to create something bigger than oneself. I feel that Shayla Cox exemplifies this entrepreneurial attitude which will undoubtedly destine her for success. Shayla Cox is a Brookyln, NY based jewelry designer & creator whose self titled jewelry line is nothing short of incredible.

How long have you been making jewelry? What initially got you interested?
 My initial interest came from a documentary on Beatrice Wood. She was a part of the DADA art movement, but then later became known for her pottery. I felt really connected to her and her work. The opportunity to learn this skill presented itself and I learned to throw on a wheel (yes, like in creating pottery/vessels, as well as experimenting with free form shapes. I have always had a thing for statement necklaces and about a year ago I decided to fuse those interests.

Do you make all your pieces by hand? How long does it take to complete one piece?
 I do create every piece by hand. As far as the time it's a process. I like to say 3-4 weeks to be safe. Anything can happen to a piece during the process, and I try not to get too attached to anything until it is completely done!

Are you currently in school or have you graduated? What is/was your major?
 I graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology and majored in International Fashion Merchandising.

Do you feel that the major you chose prepared you for owning and running your own business?  
At first, I questioned if I went into the appropriate major because upon graduation and for a few years afterwards I always felt too "creative" for my corporate roles. However, they were great learning experiences and now that I have a collection of my own I definitely feel as though I have a better understanding of every level of the business.

Is your jewelry making a full time job for you or do you have another job as well?  
Shayla Cox Ceramic Jewelry is my focus and receives the majority of my attention, but I freelance/consult as well.

What inspires your designs?  
I observe and absorb everything I see. The outcome of my work can be very tribal; I do love to collect images of peoples from around the world. There is so much beauty, say in a village that has little contact with the Western world. I also have a love for the fusion modern/old world architecture and interior design. And lastly, with my experience in Visual Styling/Merchandising I am constantly scanning someone's look for negative space...wondering what I could put in the space to take it to the next visual level.

 What is the biggest lesson you have learned from your journey as a jewelry designer? 
So far, I have definitely had to learn to trust in a team, and know that I can't do EVERYTHING by myself (as an only child it's my natural inclination). For New York Fashion Week, my team and I did a presentation everyday at Lincoln Center...I couldn't have done it without them. It was a lot of work, but it was a success and I am forever grateful to them.

 If you could give someone a quote to live by, what would it be?
 "Everything you can imagine is real." -Pablo Picasso...I try to live by this everyday.


Make sure you watch these videos of Shayla’s jewelry presentations which took place during Fashion Week.

I am so taken by the unique shapes and captivating colors in Shayla’s jewelry, it is all so effortlessly beautiful. These statement pieces will definitely add something special to any outfit. I also greatly admire the initiative Shayla took in creating her own platform to display her jewelry during Fashion Week. It is that type of tenacity and passion that turns dreams into realities. Thank you so much Shayla, you’ve got that good good!

Make sure you check out the Shayla Cox Jewelry website by clicking (here).

Friday, March 25, 2011

More illustrations

I'm still searching my files for more storyboard frames, but no luck, I may be finished posting that kind of material. Here are a couple of illustrations from my book Art & Illustration Techniques.

This is an assignment from one of my New York clients. I sent the above sketch to my client for approval, the art directors often ask for a color sketch before I proceed with the finished art.

11FRI608 copy
Here is the final acrylic illustration which includes all of the changes that the art director requested.

I'm not sure who this illustration was done for, probably was an assignment from Transcontinental Travel Bureau. This art was done using markers as well as acrylic paint.

My Art & Illustration Techniques book has many more examples, it was published in 1979, but used copies are still available through Amazon and used book dealers on the internet. The cover art was done using markers.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Is Your Swimsuit Style?

Forgive me people! :D hahaha Summer is coming here in our country sooo yeah... this post is our motivation to get in shape or "my" motivation. (who's with me?) Someone asked me, how will you start your summer? I answered: workout / get in shape! (good luck to me haha!)

So, what's your style?

• Two - Piece

Bikini with ring details, Sassa Swimwear

Bikini with braided straps, Sassa Swimwear

Blue, green, and brown print bandeau and bikini with metal detail, Salsa Trends

Paisley bikini bottom, P795; bikini top, P945, Dorothy Perkins

• Boyleg / Tank Top

Blue green bikini top with braided straps and boy-leg shorts, Sassa Swimwear

Blue green tankini with printed bottom, Sassa Swimwear

•  One Piece

Blue and salmon bandage maillot, Salsa Trends

Blue, green, and white print maillot, Sassa Swimwear

One-piece swimsuit, Sassa Swimwear

Printed maillot, Sassa Swimwear
(Photos: Cosmo)

Happy Weekend Everyone! :) ♥ 

He's Got That Good Good: Hanif Castle

Hey lovely people, I hope you guys are ready for another ‘He’s Got That Good Good’ feature! Just to let all my newest readers know, every other Thursday an individual who I feel exhibits a praiseworthy sense of style is featured. Today’s stylish individual is part of an initiative called Avid Courtesy League, a collective of young men whose goal is to “promote general yet classical style for men”. This movement that is happening within the realm of men’s fashion, especially fashion amongst young men, is quite amazing. 

Hanif Castle from Paterson, NJ

What do you do?
I'm a full-time student at Delaware State University

What 3 words would you use to describe your style?
Prep, vintage, modern military

Where are your favorite places to shop?
Thrift stores

What is the one article of clothing you couldn't live without?
I can't live without my bracelets

Hanif is very well put together; I really appreciate his simple yet effective approach to style. He sticks to key elements which result in a very polished, very dapper look. Thank you Hanif, you’ve got that good good!

Make sure you check out his blog by clicking (here).

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pinoy designer Robin Tomas' award-winning shirt launched at Bloomingdale's New York

Tomas for Supima :)

The award-winning shirt by Filipino designer Robin Tomas was launched at Bloomingdale's New York on March 19 (US time), according to the Supima blog.

The piece, a "V-neck tee in layered tonal Supima cotton knit," won the Best Reinvention of the Men's T-shirt award at the Supima Design Competition in New York last year. He was one of the six finalists in the competition.

According to the Supima blog, Tomas previously worked as a menswear designer at the Gap, Tommy Hilfiger and J. Crew.  He graduated from Parsons School of Design, and interned at Valentino and Anna Sui. In the Philippines, he launched the couture label Tomas and showed his women's wear collection during Fashion Week in 2009. source: Yahoo

From left to right: Robin Tomas, a model wearing Tomas' award-winning shirt and Supima Vice President of Marketing and Promotions Buxton Midyette.

  Photos from: Supima click for more. :)  

 Congrats! Another Pinoy Pride :)

Preliminary sketches for illustrations.

When starting to do an illustration I always do several small sketches to establish the composition. Often art directors will request sketches like this to see if that artist has understood his instructions. This is a very important step in creating interesting illustrations.

Pre 1
I received an interesting assignment while living in Paris, it was an illustration of Phebus, a new French space satellite. At the first meeting with the client I was asked to submit pencil sketches, these are a couple of them.

They approved this version which gave me a clear direction to go for the final painting.

Here is a more accurate compositional sketch, it was done using black and gray markers on layout paper.

The final painting which was done in acrylic paint.

Preliminary sketches for the cover of my Drawing In Ink book.

The final cover, this is the Japanese edition. The final drawing was done in in using a pen and a brush.