Monday, September 5, 2011

Beautiful People. Beautiful Things. (Part 1)

Hey, readers! I've come up with another type of post that I'll be putting up here every once and a while.

The title will be "Beautiful People. Beautiful Things." These posts will be simple. I'll have photographs of beautiful people and beautiful things. They will mainly be photos that inspire me, make me laugh...or think. They will pretty much be photos that I like. I'll do ten at a time, and I'll try my best to give credit where credit is due, but if I don't, you'll see that little disclaimer at the bottom.

Here's the first ten. =) Feel free to click on the pictures to make (some of) them bigger.

Linda Celeste Sims - Photo by Andrew Eccles

Chris Brown's closet

Aishwarya Rai

Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company

The Company of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in Mauro Bigonzetti's FESTA BAROCCA - Photo by Nan Melville


Linda Celeste Sims and Glenn Allen Sims in Alvin Ailey's REVELATIONS - Photo by Christopher Duggan

Linda Celeste Sims and Glenn Allen Sims in Alvin Ailey's REVELATIONS - Photo by Christopher Duggan

Linda Celeste Sims and Glenn Allen Sims in Mauro Bigonzetti's FESTA BAROCCA - Photo by Nan Melville

Linda Celeste Sims and Glenn Allen Sims in Mauro Bigonzetti's FESTA BAROCCA - Photo by Nan Melville

If you haven't noticed already, I love the art of dance. These won't be the last dance photographs you'll see. Trust me.

Oh, and SHOUT OUT to Linda Celeste Sims, my favorite dancer.

Have a good day!

Photos: No copyright infringement intended.

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