Friday, September 2, 2011

When I'm Not Listening to Hip-Hop, Neo-Soul, and R&B...

It is no secret that Iam a lover of hip-hop, a neo-soul junkie, and an old school R&B fiend (Ibelieve that basically every song I have ever posted on this blog belongs toone of those three genres). While there is nothing wrong with loving certaintypes of music more than others, one has to be open to hearing and appreciatingother types of music as well. I’m not going to lie, I am extremely, extremely picky about the music I listento, my friends & sisters can attest to that. However, for the past year orso I have been making a concerted effort to open myself up to the variouswonders that the music world has to offer. In doing so, I have fallen in lovewith a host of different musicians from several genres and have decided toshare a few of these finds with you all. Enjoy the music and tell me what you think! 

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