Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blooming Flowers and Summer Air

Hello everyone! It's Saturday night and I'm at home. (Loossaar! hahaha) My room is my favorite place. :) Last month, I swore to jog every morning before I go to work and I guess swearing is not a good thing to do. Just like promises are made to be broken. Summer is around the corner and I feel huge because of my eating habit recently. So, I have to act now before its too late. hahaha! two months to go and it's Summer here. 

I shared the Spring/Summer Collection of AE (on my previous post) and I want to share you these Spring/Summer Collection of What A Girl Wants (WAGW) and What A Girl Wants...for her MAN. HOMEGROWN, is their latest collection of linens, florals, netted crochet details for soft layering effortless look. These are inspired by Camille Co, designer and model. :) Another inspiration of "what to wear" this spring/summer. :)

photos courtesy of WAGW
Photography by Edric Chen; Styling by Kryz Uy; Makeup by Gari Son; Shot on location at Maribago Blue Waters Resort, Cebu City

PS: BIG Thank You  to Katy and Love K for the Stylish Blogger Award :) I posted it on the right side of my page. Will definitely share this award to other bloggers. I will post it later. :) <3

PPS: I added cute Monokuro Boo calendar, time and status bar on the upper right of my page. :) [nothing..just want to share. haha]


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