Wednesday, January 26, 2011

He's Got That Good Good: Jerome C.

Today’s style feature is actually one of my loyal readers from all the way in Italy! He is such a sweetheart, always leaving the nicest comments from time to time! I am so excited to be featuring him today so without further ado, here is..

Jerome C. from Florence, Italy

What do you do?
I just finished my Secondary school last summer. Now doing nothing all day, enjoying freedom. Anyways I’m jobless, still searching for a good job somewhere. But so far I work for myself, blogging. I sometimes give some guitar lessons.

 What 3 words would you use to describe your style?
Inspired, Preppy/casual and British

Where are your favorite places to shop?
H&M, Zara, Topman online, thrift shops, charity shops and vintage stores.

What is the one article of clothing that you couldn't live without?
My bags, I love to bring many useful stuff in them. If you see what’s inside my bags, you would probably say that I’m worse than girls, you can’t imagine how much stuff I have inside them.  

 I love it all. From the blazers to the hats to the bags, Jerome really knows how to piece together an outfit! His layering technique is so spot on. What I really love about Jerome’s style is that he looks dapper without being overdone. He really has a way of taking nearly formal attire and dressing it down to everyday wear. The final look is gentleman-like, sharp, and (most importantly) effortless. Thank you so much Jerome, you’ve got that good good!

And make sure you check out more of Jerome's amazing style by visiting his blog! Click here.

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