Friday, July 8, 2011

An interview on ink line drawing

My wife and I were moving to Paris, France in 1977 and I was trying to think of some things I could do to guarantee me some sort of income from clients in the States before we left. I sold a few cartoons to Penthouse Magazine and would continue submitting work to them while in Paris. I also proposed a book on ink drawing to Watson Guptill publications which they bought, and had several other book ideas. The American Artist Book Club interviewed me when my book DRAWING IN INK was published in 1977 and I have posted the interview below.

Here is the Japanese edition of DRAWING IN INK, there also was an Italian edition.





My association with Watson Guptill Publications was long and I wrote several "How to..." books for them. I had a very successful career in Paris as an illustrator/ designer and worked there for several years before moving to New York City.
DRAWING IN INK is long out of print but can easily be found on Amazon or other used book outlets. In 2002 Dover Publications republished DRAWING IN INK and DRAWING IN PENCIL under the title PEN AND PENCIL DRAWING TECHNIQUES and it is still available new.


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