Thursday, July 7, 2011

She's Got That Good Good: Shirley Eniang

Hello all! I hope everyone in the States had an amazing 4th of July weekend and that all my international readers are doing fine as well. I apologize for my sparse posts the past few weeks; I’ve been pretty busy lately. Hopefully I can correct my rhythm soon and get back to doing multiple posts every week like I used to do. Today’s GOOD GOOD-er is one of my favorite personal style bloggers; everything from her clothing to her makeup to her hair is always beautiful. Without further ado..

Shirley Eniang from London, England

How old are you?

What do you do for a living?
I’m a full time student (BSc Mathematics Undergraduate)

What 3 words would you use to describe your style?
Free, Uncommitted, Chic

Where are your favorite places to shop?
Vintage Stores, Topshop, Zara, H&M, River Island and Primark

What is the 1 article of clothing that you couldn't live without?
My Topshop Box Bag

You’ve gotta love a girl with beauty & brains! Shirley has such a classic taste in clothing; I absolutely love her tasteful yet fun approach to style. And I must acknowledge her accessory game because it is on point! I am head-over-heels in love with that red ZARA satchel & golden watch. Thank you so much Shirley, you’ve got that good good!

Make sure you check out Shirley's lovely blog, meek~n~mild, by clicking (here).

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