Friday, January 23, 2009

Art for the Detroit Free Press Magazine

Detroit Magazine 3
The Detroit Free Press decided to do a story on one of my students, Edith Nagy from Hungary. They asked me to do this cover painting of her. I was starting to do story illustrations as well as covers for the Sunday magazine. At the paper I dealt with Mort Persky and Bill Baker, who was the Sunday Editor and really enjoyed working with them. I've lost touch with Bill but Mort and I have become good friends over the years and still keep in touch.

Det Magazine 2

I don't recall the story behind this cover, there was probably an air show in the Detroit area.

Det Magazine  4

This cover art illustrated a few children's stories that were printed in the magazine.

Detroit  Magazine 5

A popular summer event in Detroit was to take a cruise on the Bob-Lo boat, fun was had by all ! Here is a cartoon rendition of the boat on the Detroit River.

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