Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More Ward's Quarterly illustrations

Wards 11

To keep the magazine visually interesting I used a variety of art styles from realistic to cartoons. Don't get me wrong, photos can be terrific, just look at national Geographic, but we usually had rather dull ones to choose from. One exceeption was Tony Spina, Detroit Free Press photographer, who took some excellent photos of the Ford Rouge complex for one of our articles. For some of the portraits that were required I decided to draw sketches or do paintings.

Wards 12
A portrait of Edsel Ford and a drawing for an article on automotive styling.

Wards 13
For the Ford story I decided to position a pencil sketch of Henry Ford over a bold, loosely drawn sketch of the Rouge plant.

Wards 14
A pencil sketch of George Hurst, Jr of Hurst-Campbell Incorporated. An acrylic sketch of American Motors president Roy Abernethy.

Below are some sketches for an article on Ford workers in Europe. At the time I was doing woodcut prints on rice paper and decided to try to draw in ink on this interesting surface using a brush. It worked out very well, although it's quite different than using normal drawing papers and boards as rice paper acts like a blotter, soaking up the ink.
Wards 15
Above: Sam Haslon and Peter Jacobs.

Wards 16a
James Herring and family and Josef Zimmerman and family.

Below is the Ford plant at Dagenham,England.
Wards 16b 2
Frederick Higgs, Ford worker.

Cartoons WQ

Some of the cartoons I drew for the magazine. A great time was had drawing all of these images as I enjoy working in various techniques and mediums.

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